ellipsoid curvature


Displacement of the mesh or height map to simulate earth/planet curvature. I would even settle for a uniform sphere type displacement in lieu of an actual partial ellipsoid displacement.

I am only asking for a segment to have this type node applied. I don’t need to make an entire planet :slight_smile:


Hi there,

This is certainly possible, but I would need more information on your use case/how you would anticipate this working. In general, I would say that planetary curvature is best simulated on the render side of things rather than in the heightfield itself.


I plan on using WM geometry in a program that simulates remote sensing. DIRSIG to be specific (Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Image Generation) http://dirsig.org/. Rather than an optical effect the geometry needs to exist in 3D space.

When a scene is rendered in DIRSIG, a corresponding image can be output that is referred to as “truth data”. This data helps algorithm developers troubleshoot their code. The “truth” map contains the X, Y, and Z locations of each pixel in scene units. These images can be valuable for identifying why a specific object was not imaged or in setting up new viewing geometries.

The technically more accurate approach:
The calculations for implementing it in WM could be based on earth. Specifically WGS 84 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WGS_84 . It could even be hard coded. Then the user could select a lat/long between a pole and the equator; get the corresponding deformation and apply a warp map node before mesh output.

Less accurate, but easier to implement:
You split the difference between a pole and equator…just have one set convection and warp the output.

I know this is a very specific use, but this would be a great feature in terms of scientific visualization.



i’d like to see such a feature with the ability to export to .osg or .ive tileset type format or even to libmini format. Do you have plane for this feature? i mean this will be available at least for the 2.4 version? And why not to extend to an entire whole planet?