Newb questions

Hi i’m new and impressed by this machine.

Got a few questions tho,

the basic version can only have a map up to 512x512 and i realize when i zoom in it’s getting pixelized heavily, is there a vast more detail on maps big like 2048x2048?

And second, is there a support for symmetricity? I use this tool also for games especially a strategy game and the maps need to be symmetric in some way. So it would be good if SIDE A would match SIDE B so you could make a cool symmetrical playfield of it.

Obvisously 2k x 2k are 4 times more detailed than 512 x 512 (some erosion effects are not apparent until you are at least 1k x 1k), so the answer to the unwritten question “is it worth buying?” is a resounding YES!!!

The other question is handled by WM 2 Pro tiled building; you create a terrain made up by two tiles, so the border matches perfectly (by definition). If this is a real requirement, you will need WM 2 Pro edition.


Thx, but i don’t know if you got the second question right.

What i meant is, I have a 4 sided terrain, side A and B should match each other, so I could row these blocks side by side.

Hi Rocky,

You should have a look at this macro :
Copy the files to your macro folder, then load the macro using the Heightmap Operators > Macro from Library menu :slight_smile:

I made a little example of a mirrored map setup which I think is part of what you’re asking how to do.

Take a look from each of the two erosion nodes. The two Flipper nodes, “Flipper 1” and “Flipper 2”, are providing a mirrored and a reversed mirrored effect.

Also, try this: view at either of the erosion nodes and then lock your view (F on the keyboard). Then go and edit the Gradient node back at the beginning and adjust the “direction” (ie the angle) slider and see how easily you can make something new. :slight_smile:


Wow this is genius!!! This is what i’m looking for, AWESOME!!!

Didn’t know you could do such genius things with this!
That’s not exactly what i mentioned above but already one step ahead :slight_smile: .
Seems this is exactly the terrain tool thing i need to use create some awesome maps for Supreme Commander!
Is it possible to make it really 100% symmetrical with all the erosions? ( need for a perfect map balancing! )
I can only imagine how this must look in the $ version!!! :smiley:

Thx all!

few more question tho!

For example a middle sized map in SupCom has about 1025x1025 in size, however would it be possible to create a 8000x8000 terrain and resize it down to 1025x1025 while exporting, so in the end it looks better than originally created in 1024x1024?

And can someone tell me where i can find some decent detailed Terrains of WM? All i get in the free version is very very blurry stuff :frowning:

Or maybe someone would be so kind, downloading this one it is a chain of islands and do it a 4000x4000 version, upload it again as a .r16 file to demonstrate me how powerful this looks in such a big size?