I am trying to see if it’s possible to use the open data supplied by the Ordnance Survey, in the UK, to create terrain models. The data is supplied in several formats, including ASCII, DXF, PRJ and GML. I am not familiar with GIS systems, and am a bit stuck as to what to do - possibly naively, I thought I might be able to convert an ASCII to a heightfield, but with what I have no idea.
If you’re willing to pay, then Global Mapper software is your best bet for conversion.
I’ve got a dev friend who has an app which can convert to a hfz which WM supports…though it’s highly likely that it won’t be a simple .exe- he might possibly convert file for you though…long shot…they’re pretty obscure file formats for procedural terrain modelling- but they’re standard fare for GIS.
//actually I could just offer to convert it here if you don’t have any luck…I guess it depends how many files
I tried 3DEM, but no direct ASCII option - I changed the file suffix from .asc to .txt, and 3DEM spent a lot of minutes reporting ‘Reading Point Data’, but nothing happened. That might be my impatience, but a 200K file? I don’t know what it was like processing data.
Global Mapper would be a surer way - I looked at that yesterday, but the spend is not something I can do right now. And the tiles needing converting are likely to be many and various - still going through the OS data. Thank you for the offer though - much appreciated.
I think perhaps the purchase of Global Mapper at some point might be an option, just cannot do it now.