Hi all,
I’m currently trying to create an island with WM, essentially using the approach described at http://world-machine.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=49 , that is, creating the island by combining component terrains, e.g. one for beach, one for woodland, one for mountains, etc.
Well, for that purpose, it would be great if the combiner device was able to parse arbitrary mathematical expressions.
For example, the following predefined variables could exist:
h1 height of input terrain 1 (a scalar between 0 and 1),
h2 height of input terrain 2 (a scalar between 0 and 1),
h3 height of input terrain 3 (a scalar between 0 and 1),
hn height of input terrain n (a scalar between 0 and 1),
p1, p2, p3, … parameter values (the “strength” in the existing Combiner).
Then, another Combiner method could exist with name “Math Expr.”, where one could freely write e.g. h1 + (h2-0.5)*0.123 to obtain the Combiner output.
It would even be possible to replace all existing Combiner methods with pre-made expressions. For example:
Average: p1*h1 + (1-p1)*h2
Add: h1 + p1*h2
Sub: h1 - p1*h2
Multiply: p1*h1 + (1-p1)h1h2
Just a suggestion. Being able to enter math terms directly would be a great help when one has a precise idea or definition of the desired output.