Transformation in macros

WM 1.2 comes with the ability to move the world created by a perlin noise north, east etc. without affecting other perlins that might exist.
The same cool thing happens with gradients.

Question: Is there a possibility to influence the X and Y coordinates of a device that is inside a macro?
There are no parameter inputs for these yet.

I’m just building a crater macro using this feature and radial gradients.

btw: Sorry for always complaining. :wink:

Right… Not Yet :wink:
The only way to do it in WM1.2.0 is to change them by hand.

Ahhh… ok then :smiley:

[size=9px](Maybe programming would be easier if not each of my threads contained a bug report or something similar… But I have the right to do this, cause I paid for wm :twisted: :wink: just kidding)[/size]

looking forward to WM 1.2.x

nikita on the contrary, customers like you only will make the final product better so keep naging him :wink: