World Machine facebook group

Hello! I made a world machine exclusive group yesterday on fb. Please join if you are on facebook and want to simplify your life.

I’m not on Facebook. When I click that link, it prompts me to login.

Can you make that group public so that we don’t have to login to get to it?

You have to be on facebook to join. And the group needs to be closed so people can post their final artworks freely as well. Sorry about that. We have tried to keep it very clean and exclusive to world machine so far. It was only possible by keeping it closed. Also, being on facebook helps forge legit connections, and that purpose is again defeated by making it public.

Thanks for the info. I love World Machine, but not enough to sign up for Facebook.

Same here. World Machine is great, but not great enough to join facebook. Sorry.

Same here. Not joining Facebook for the sake of one application discussion group.

Whenever I hit one of these “social” sites where I have to create an account to access nominally public postings, Facebook, Pinterest, etc, I just close the page and walk away.