3.0 Dev3 PRO Preview Window

The Preview window are not refreshing correctly
I got a movie clip of 6 Mb to show, But I can not upload it to forum :frowning:

I will try and explain
Start WM
Enter Advanced perlin and change the Feature Scale close Advanced perlin
Click on Terrace and se if it looks right
Enter Advanced select perlin set in Layout, select the X and movie it. Exit back to Device view
No click on Advanced perlin and then click on Terrace. They do not look the same.:frowning:

Confirmed. Moving the device origin is not falsifying its descendants. A simple fix – this is already fixed for the next major dev build.

Thank you Remnant.
It took some time for me to trace it to the layout. lol. I could not locate the problems origin. It just popup randomly when I was building Worlds.