3d spline import

Hi, as a possible buyer of World Machine, and current Pro Demo user, our company has a need to be able to import 2.5 or 3d splines (elevation data, not just flat shapes), for use to describe railway corridors.

I know that WM can import SVG files, but are these 3d files or just 2d?

this is pretty important factor in our decision to use WM for building our large worlds, as we MUST have 3d spline support for this feature to be of any use to us.


Hi Shane,

I have bad news for you. Currently there is no support for 3D spline import. SVG paths are only 2D shapes; you would have to set the vertex heights manually inside WM. This is something that has been strongly requested, and I would love to add support for, but I don’t want to promise anything that I cannot immediately deliver.

Wish there was better news!

Thanks for the reply remnant, this is indeed bad news for us as it was something that would have been very powerful and helpful in our generation of railway corridors.

Specifically matching the elevation of the terrain to our rail splines that form the basis of our track network.

I know that elevation can be added manually, would this something that could perhaps be scripted to add elevations to the verts through some sort of input file? say an xml or something.
