As i understand new method “Max” should be similar to behavior of Combiner in Max mode - so just add shape to existing one input
But that do not happen - shape just replace the primary input where it drawn
As i understand new method “Max” should be similar to behavior of Combiner in Max mode - so just add shape to existing one input
But that do not happen - shape just replace the primary input where it drawn
Max works as expected on my end. Hardware specific? I did notice that updating the project after adding the shape node with shapes in it caused it to not be able to be deleted (Forgot while testing until I noticed the Max mode was not even there). So maybe some of these are based on “timing of node updates”?
(Note: Anything I am listing as “Hardware Specific?” is just a quick note styled guess. Maybe it was prior activity leading up to something breaking, I do not know)
I believe I understand what you are describing here.
If you provide a terrain input to the Shapes device: After all of your shapes are composited together (using whatever modes they are set to), the result of that is then composited atop the background using a normal over operator. It’s as if there’s an invisible Shape Group set to Normal mode that is the parent of all of your shapes. It is like that, because that’s exactly what is happening internally
This is intentional to match the prior behavior of the Shapes / Layout Generator device. I can imagine how it could also be unexpected.
If this is important to your project, you can achieve your goal by not connecting the background input, and instead combining the two in a Combiner set to Max mode.
Of course, I could also add a toggle for this behavior to the device settings if this is something commonly requrested.
i dont know who also may be interested in it
but i’m interested, EHEHEH
so, you may count my vote as +1 for adding of that toggle to shape node
reason why i’m interesting is that if something may be done inside of Node intarface - better to do it in intarface. Layers nodes, and combiners in Max modes will create visual noise in my projects. I will be happy to reduce it as much as possible