4042 - Add control of Curve points as parameter

Currently you have option to edit curve dots inside of nodes only by hand

But what will be if you will have ability to impact on their possitions externally?

So you may just create 3,5,10 dots - and Curve device will have those as parameters inputs

You may connect Scalar to it to impact on their vertical position inside of Curver node

(Maybe it would be good to have two inputs for one node, or special composite datatype that will allow you to impact also on horisontal position of Curve point)

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That is a very interesting idea, I wonder what kind of application you are thinking of. A horizontal control will be difficult I think, as the current implementation will not allow you to move point 1 further than point 2, so to say. How would you make the scalars predictable? The obvious sounding solution is that the horizontal parameter is a relative position, meaning 0.5 is exactly is in between the neighbouring points, but then if you move 1 point, all other points are also influenced.

Vertical control using scalars sounds cool! I don’t think it is possible to have an easy and at the same time intuitive implementation of horizontal positioning.

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aaa, the horizontal points inside of node also is scalar values as i see

so it is also maybe suitable to use Scalar to impact on horizontal plecement of them

the only thing is that those Scalar values could cut themselfs if the are higher than next one point

If you have 4 dots:

  • 0,1 0,1
  • 0,3 0,3
  • 0.6 0.6
  • 0,9 0.9

and will try to set first one higher than second one - the result will be cutted to value of next one node

So your Scalar node can have 0.5 for first dot - but Curve node will cut it to 0.3, because second dot is 0.3 0.3

It is not “relative position”, it is just “hard-cut limiter” - because if you will move second one point for example to 0.59 0.59, first one will still have 0.5

It would be good to have ability to create own Composite Datatypes - for example by combining two Scalar Values for such porpuse into one packet. But also something like “Vectorified” composite datapatype could be used. Currently is uses U and A values as i remember - you could create 2 Scalar Nodes, connect them to Constant devices - combine into Vectorified datapacket and provide for Curve device to use as cordinats for dots. Where U is Vertical and A is Horizontal axises values