4043 - Scene water Z-fighting

I did mention it before - but depending on angle, scale, PoV field - you will see different water levels

it is annoying, bruuuh

I agree, it is annoying.

The sealevel guide simply intersects a flat plane with the terrain, which means that we’re relying completely on the Z buffer on the GPU for determining visibility. WM attempts to automatically set the z near to a reasonable value, but when it fails, the shoreline will swim or fight.

There are ways around this, but compared to other features and fixes, this is mostly an annoyance, and so its a backburner item.

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after reading words in your replay still think that you may not understand that issue not in Z-fighting

this issue is new, and was not exists in 4030 release

it is not Z-fighting itself. It is more like water just disappear and appear on random height

here is no actual fight between two values

look on screenshots - water settings still same on every of them (639 meters),
but each time gives new random water level. It is not Z-fighting itself

sorry if title may make you confused, i did not know how to quickly name it. this issue did not exist on 4030+ and it is something new, not Z-fighting

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Hmm. The disappearing water is a z-fighting artefact; the reason its not fighting is that WM applies an offset to resolve the edge cleanly.

You are correct though - this is broken compared to 4031. I’ll take a look at what changed internally to cause this. Thank you!

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