4044 - Crop & Transform - no parameters access

So if you will try to impact on the main two values of Crop Transform externally - you will not see those values available as parameters

This is intentional - the inputs are flagged to not allow external control. To be honest with you, I don’t remember why that is the case. Off the top of my head, I believe it was because the width/height are also controlled in the visual editor and the editor UI would have to support enabling/disabling resizing ability appropriately.

This should be fixed but it probably won’t be in 4046 final.

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i have education process started
so can not play with WM
my active bug reporting contribution stops until end of it
(i know that it is not important info for you, but i think it is important to explain why i disappear, lol)

my “Regular” role may disappear also :sob::sob::sob:

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