4044 - Crush break OpenGL

Soo - i just did play in WM, and one crush happened - i did nothing special, really

And now i see this error consistantly
maybe reboot will help?
i did change nothing in my system related to OpenGL or so

okeeey… after reboot i now do not see GPU in task manager… it not work… i’m worried, lol

okey, on third reboot GPU started to be recognized by system, wow
i did shit my pants well
as i understand error did occur due to that i created non-optimized WM project, receive crushes, that did break RAM balance in system - it did crush a lot of other program launched separately - and some of them (or WM crush directly) did impact on GPU driver - so system started not to recognize GPU - but it is only my guesses

It sounds like the nvidia GPU driver crashed.

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