If you look on zero height world under some angle in Loyout View - you will receive some values of height
But it is a bug? Because world is constant with 0 height
If you look on zero height world under some angle in Loyout View - you will receive some values of height
But it is a bug? Because world is constant with 0 height
The reported value is calculated from the display z buffer and converting it to a worldspace position. This makes it view-dependent on the angle, distance, etc for accuracy. The farther you are from the subject, the less precision there is in the answer (The fixed-size zbuffer is spaced over a larger distance).
This can be solved with enough additional effort, but it’s a low priority fix right now.
Do you have own bug-trecking table/database?
Should user remind you about low-priority bugs that will be not fixed, or you have own list which will remind you about them automatically after years?