4044 - Tile Build settings drop on "Always export all tiles"


This bug not allow you to set own resolution of tiles, and allow to only use values provided by program. So if you want to set tile to 500 - WM will drop settings to nearest one - to 256 - it is bad, you know

Step to reproduce:

Bug is only works, if your check box “Always export all tiles” is active. While it active you not allowed to use 500, 1000, and all other non-regular values

If you will un-check this box - you will obtain ability to set custom ones.

This is fixed in 4045, along with a variety of other tiled setting UI bugs (such as having the settings modify the active scene, not the selected scene in the outliner).

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even bug with shape node ui? :thinking: because this is still exists for today too: 4042 - Shape node just hide settings, but not lock access to them and editing of them

I understand
you did mean only tiled build ui