4096 building incorectly

This seems to have to do with the memory conservation. I’ve got a gaussian blur masked by a height selector. The blur is not being masked however (this is my best guess) so my outputs are totally incorrect, 2048 works fine, but i dont use memory conservation for that. The height selector, like all my file outputs, is being preserved even though the memory conservation is only supposed to preserve outputs, right? So it seems like that’s where things get messed. Somehow that height selection is not being fed into the blur mask. Like maybe it’s acting as an output, so its info isnt fed into the mask… i dont know. I’m going to test the memory conservation out at lower res and see if i get the same results. Just got to wait a while for this latest 4096 build lol.

Edit: Ok, the problem isnt the height selector, its simply anything being fed into a mask input. I’m going to try outputing the select height and input that into the mask for now.

…Well using a file input didnt work either. I did go another rout though with a chooser for the same effect, but a fix for that would be nice :stuck_out_tongue:

This is confirmed. It appears to be a problem with split networks. I’m guessing the memory conservation can’t tell which builds to keep or pass on to the next device.

  • Oshyan

Great, well lukily there’re other ways to do things! :smiley: Thanks!