A challenge: htraE - Earth inverted

It’s been quite a long time since my last post… But I’m still alive! :slight_smile:

I have a slight challenge for anyone to practice on!
I came across this artistic image of the Earth, flipped inside-out… - How would our planet look if we changed “up” with “down”?

Really neat… HOWEVER: It’s geographically wrong! :twisted: There should be a huge mountain range at the Mariana Trench, and a really deep area under Mount Everest… Would anyone accept a challenge to see how the Earth would actually look like if inverted?
An extra challenge would be the night texture: placing of cities and city-lights along bays and flat areas near waterways!

Possibly, you could:

  • find height-map of Earth including underwater region
  • obvious use for an Inverter device
  • one or two gradients could bias/threshold the application of slow to height, so that more snow appears near the poles
  • creative use of weathering device to use as mask for the city placement
    Sounds interesting, no?

By the way, “htraE” is Earth spelled backwards :wink:

Cool. Have you used WM to make this pictures?

No! I am not the author!.. It has a link to deviantArt, where I came across it.
I have a strong feeling WM was not used for making it, otherwise it would be geographically correct :slight_smile: But I have no idea!
My idea with the post was to motivate others to try to do something like this using WM :slight_smile: Sounds easier to do it in WM than in an image program… :slight_smile: