A few questions & requests

finally bought WMstandard and enjoying the process of learning this app. here’s a few questions & requests. other folks have probably asked for these as well so my apologies in advance.

  1. is WM capable of doing boulder & rock-like structures/landscapes? with cracks and all? what device would you use?

  2. request - ability to output a 3D mesh w/ settings to input poly counts, etc.

  3. request - w/ #2 an ability to output a normal map to apply to a lower density mesh

  4. request - to paint the deformations/cracks/etc directly on the landscape


Hi there,

  1. Not quite sure what you mean here; you mean like adding boulders or a rock field to a landscape? The main problem with doing this in WM is a lack of resolution; rocks are a pretty fine-scale item that are hard to capture in a heightfield without using a very high detail. Nonetheless people have done it, and it looks pretty damn good from a distance. If you want something close up you’re going to need to add individual 3D meshes or something similar to represent the rocks.

  2. This is coming. :slight_smile:

  3. This is already implemented in the upcoming WM Pro.

  4. I’m not quite sure what you mean about this one?

  1. means a brush i guess, this should be possible - in a way - in layout mode i think
    (in upcoming wm versions)

thanks Stephen and Nikita for the replies!

#1 yup like boulders or a rock field to a landscape or like the rock formations in Utah for example.

#2 #3 good to know that these features are slated for the future. hope WMPro will be ready soon. would love to check it out.

#4 as Nikita said. a view (layout?) where you can directly paint on your landscape with different types of brushes to deform it.


#4 I’m not sure if this will come with newer WM Versions but I now that this can be done with the application GeoControl.

WM and GeoControl can work very good together and I am thinking about buying GeoControl soon.

Well, GeoControl basicly has a brush. It has that square thing that let’s you somehow paint inside that square… Almost if painting an image one pixel at a time… it’s not exactly a photoshop-style brush that you can move arround and paint…