Adding unconnected(!) devices influences world

I think I have run into a bug. I have added a few devices and layouts to an existing world and everything seemed to work fine. Later I realized that the looks of the previous world changed, even when the added devices/layouts are not connected in any way to the main device network.

I have tried copy/pasting parts of the modified world back into the original (good looking) version. Even when the new devices (2 layouts, advanced perlin, a combiner and finally erosion) are NOT connected to the actual device network my world appearence changes. I couldn’t narrow it down more (to a single device). I suspect this has something todo with the order in which WM2 builds the advanced perlin/erosion/combiner devices, somehow causing different random values. It could also have something todo with the world extends changing due to added layouts. I honestly cannot say.

At this point I cannot continue to work on this project because I cannot risk changing the looks of my already good looking terrain parts by adding additional (unrelated) areas.

Remnant, I would gladly provide you with the two versions of the .tmd files if that helps resolve the problem.

Thanks in advance.

If only there was some way to save files to disk…

You can upload the files here in the forum btw :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reply, nikita.

I don’t really understand how I could resolve this just by saving. Maybe I’m missing something, can you elaborate?

I am aware of that but I’m afraid I cannot make these files publicly available on the internet. I hope remnant can take a look at this problem. Thats one of the reasons I’m a proud owner of a WM2 Professional license. :smiley:

Ah ok.

What keeps you from saving your file? So, if something goes wrong, like - the the file randomizes itself again - you can always load the backup file? This bug is really odd and annoying, but I don’t see how it would really prevent you from working.

I’m still wondering what might cause such behavior. I can only think of accidently changing the render quad or drawing shapes in the wrong layout, but I guess you already checked that.

I’ve done some more investigating today and it seems the problems I have are related to the Erosion Device.

When I add a second erosion, my terrain looks change, even though I don’t connect the results of that particular part of the network to the main network. Also, I’m sure it would not have any influence on the other part of the terrain.

So to summarize, adding a second erosion to an unconnected part of my device network causes my world look to change. I still suspect it has something to do with the randomization values of the other (connected) erosion getting influenced.

I did some testing and it seems that the erosion device gets randomized with each build. Don’t know if it is related to or identical to your problem.