Automation - Made some progress, but need HELP


Sorry - I couldn’t figure out how to post a reply or continue discussion on my previous post.

so I poked around and got further:

  • Absolute file paths in the load tag don’t appear to work, either the paths are relative (have not verified this) or the .tmb file you load has to be in the same location as the script file (this is verified to work in the example file, as well as my WIP files.)
  • Something is wrong somewhere in the tag group, within my first section.

Here is my revised script - This version will run and start to build:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

And here is the version which stalls…:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

Has anyone else been able to get any of those modify commands to work properly? It’s essential to me, basically I need to modify a bunch of settings as a build various parts of the world 1) I am using group and enable/disable to help manage memory because I couldn’t get a full world of 5x5 tiles at tile res of 2048 x 2048 to complete a build without running out of memory… and 2) well my target utilizes different size map inputs on the final content [i.e. 100 post mesh, 2048 diffuse, 1024 normal map, 1024 lighting, etc…] so I thought rather then down sampling large files, I’d just try to build them at the needed input res - with the hopes this would help me complete a full build.

I can send my example file as well as my entire complete automation script if it is helpful.

  • jonny

Hi there,

I think I also replied to your email about this subject, but to repeat it here and maybe help other people out:

The quotation marks being used are extended ASCII left and right quotes rather than the standard double-quote. This causes the XML parser to fail.

I recommend editing in notepad and you should see the difference immediately. Changing all of the offenders to standard doublequotes fixes the script file.

Thanks again.