I’ve stumbled across this nasty bug. When having multiple extents in a TMD file, rendering via an automation script will produce wrong results, i.e. modifying or rendering the wrong extent (I can’t determine which one it does).
Steps to reproduce (with WM 2.3.6 Pro x64)
So, make a TMD with two extents
Choose the second extent to be active in the GUI
Open “World extents and resolution”, check the “Locked” box for the second extent
Go to “Tiled build options” and choose to merge output into a single file
Save the TMD and exit the GUI
Create an automation script like this:
The use_extents=“0” param is accidentally spelled ‘use_exents’, which of course is not recognized and thus has WM default to using extent 1 (the active extent saved in the file). Changing this to be “use_extents” fixes the issue.
This certainly does expose to me that WM needs to be more verbose about what its doing – I am adding additional feedback statements during all automated operations so you can more easily tell what’s happening – in the next version WM will also complain when it hits unrecognized commands like the above, so that the problem will be immediately obvious!
update: Further research shows there also appears to be a seperate issue when changing the active extents with the tag. Fixes will be rolled into the next release.