Bad link on HELP Tut #2

link to example zip file

it don’t workie :frowning:

i think i can figure it out, but examples of how to set up slope masks and export to BMP would be very, very important.


Not only is not the “” in tip#2, but there also isn’t the tmd file for tip#3 (“terrace_cascade.tmd”), and an image on tip#4 “estrat03.jpg”. Tip #5 on the third tutorial page is also missing its tmd (“tutorial.tmd”) file.
The remaining tips are ok.

The image for tip#4 may have been my fault because the directory listing has a file named “Estrat03.jpg” with an uppercase “E”, and if if the web server is running linux or another non-windows OS, it most likely is case-sensitive, so Stephen should rename the file to lowercase to solve this.

I remember going throuth the tips before and finding nothing wrong… So was there probably something that changed and caused an erratic deletion of files?

Or perhaps Stephen rearranged the site, putting all files into a single folder for example, and forgot to change all the instances of file linking. When you last tested, was the site on this new host (with the domain), or the old University one?

  • Oshyan

Maybe you’re right… :?
Actually, I can’t remember when I checked it. :stuck_out_tongue:
