Big realistic World

Hello everybody.
I want to create an exact copy of the US state of North Dakota, is it possible to do this? And if so, how ?
I tried in many ways, looked at many lessons, but it did not work.
To create a small landscape there are no problems, but what about large areas?
In the future it will be necessary to export such a landscape to UE-4
Maybe there is a video lesson on this topic?

Any help will be appreciated, thank you in advance to everyone who will answer and help with my task. Thank you.

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Hi Oleg,

You would definitely want to start with the actual DEM (Digital Elevation Map) for this kind of task. Fortunately the USGS (unlike European equivalents) publishes all their maps and you can download the ones you want through this website . If you have Cinema 4D there is a great paid plugin called DEM Earth which will download all the maps, elevation and shape files that you want for that region automatically Once you have the map there is this old tutorial by Vladimir Chopine on how to enhance the map in World Machine .

