Bit help with a terrain!

Hello guys :slight_smile:

I was wondering if you guys could help me generate these type of mountains:

Ive tried for 2 days now, and I cant seem to get this type of effect no matter what I do.
Im not great with node based programs :confused:

Any help appreciated :slight_smile:

Hi there,

Good question! Thats an interesting, stylized mountain shape that doesn’t immediately materialize when you start playing with it.

I have previously found that the Thermal Erosion device can produce “smooth sided sharp edged” features on mountains when configured correctly. Take a look at the attached simple world file. Is it producing anything like what you’re looking for?

Thanks for the reply Remnant!
I cant seem to load the file, it says it cant load fully, due to missing plugins etc.
Could I be missing any macros you’ve used?

Sorry about that – I created the example in WM 2.3 beta rather than 2.2.

If you are a Standard or Pro user, go here to download the 2.3 beta: and then you can open the file directly.

I’ll see about re-creating it in WM 2.2 and post the update here soon…

Im just a basic user :slight_smile: Just testing it out before i eventually buy it.
Would be awesome if you could convert it to the 2.2 version, if its not that much trouble.

I’m still trying with no luck haha.