Bitmap Output

Hi Everyone,
I am new to WM, and the forums.
So far WM is a very interesting tool.
I want to perform what I thought would be an easy task, but I am not getting it to work.

I have a File Input Device with a heightmap I created. I have it linked to a Terrace Device to smoothen it. I linked it to a Mesh Output Device, and I was able to export the mesh successfully. (Unfortunately my 3dmax crashed when I tried to import it. I guess the poly count must be too high)

However, my main problem is with using a Bitmap Output Device. I can’t get this to work.
I looked at the examples, and tried using a Macro device, but I am completely lost as to what to do.
Can someone please show me a simple way to get the Bitmap Output Device used with a File Input Device?

Keep in mind that the different devices carry two types of data : Heightfield and Bitmap.
Bitmap is mainly used for texturing, while Heightfield is used for the shape of the terrain.

I wanted to say that in case of if you wanted to save your terrain to a bitmap file… For that you must use a Height Output and choose the BMP file format.

If you want to use the Bitmap Output to export a Bitmap data, you must connect a bitmap device to the Bitmap Output input (ouch… still following ? :P).
If you can’t connect your device to the Bitmap Output, then you’re probably trying to connect a Heightfield device.
So you’ll have to convert the Heightfield data to Bitmap data first (there are several converter devices for that), then connect the Bitmap data to your Bitmap Output.

Ok? :slight_smile:

Hint : wires that are black indicate that they carry Heightmap data, and wires that are blue indicate that they carry Bitmap data :slight_smile:

I understand to some degree. I’ll study it some more, and see if I can put it to work. Thanks

A tutorial or example on this might be a good idea.

Hi Jillinger,

Take a look at the example file “Tutorial 4 - Simple Texturing” in the “Examples/Tutorials” folder of your WM installation directory for a good example of how to do this.