Blocky terrain

Hi Guys. Having great fun with the amazing WM1, but I’ve suddenly started having a problem with the erosion device. After loading into Tgen I’m getting square ‘blocks’ all over the terrain when using channeled erosion with additive geological time-enhancement. Using interpretive gte is ok. The only devices I have at the moment are Perlin noise and Erosion. I don’t know how to give you a screen dump so you can see my settings and terrain. I’m only a WM noob so I’m sure it’s me. Any ideas? Do you need more info? Thanks.
P.S. I’m on Basic edition.

yes, the geological time-enhancement kind of a makes the “axis-aligned” features more visible… That is becasue of the “Sharp” parameter, and is mostly how the erosion algortihm works, I think… I believe it has to do with the heightfield being organized in a square grid… I think the way to avoid it is not to use the “additive” much… Another option would be to combine that result with seome other eroded version of the terrain, or to use a lower parameter value for the “erosive power” of that time enhancement.

Ok Fil, I get it. Thanks very much for your prompt reply. You guys rock!

I’ve been running into these same artifacts when using channeled erosion and the geological time-enhancement option. I’m not sure exactly what the geological time-enhancement option does, other than to make erosion features larger and channeled erosion less rake-like, so I can’t really call it a bug. It’s interesting that the box-like features scale with the world size, which suggests to me it looks at large-scale features rather than neighboring pixels.

Here’s an example on a radial gradient. Sediment carry amount doesn’t matter when rock hardness is 1. When Rock hardness is 0 and sediment carry is 1 the pattern is somewhat hidden, but still apparent. Reconstruction type: additive (interpretive just blurs the effect.)

To get around this effect the most useful settings seem to be Reconstruction type: interpretive and Rock hardness: 0.