I have had to switch back to 2.0 because of the combiner issue mentioned above… masks are not honored every time. The flipped tga’s has also messed up my workflow, tga’s and tifs come out in different directions.
Thanks, im get a error about CustomRegPlugins.dll saying its of an incorrect version.
Hello! I’m a little late to the update party.
I purchased WM2 Standard when it was released and received a Kagi download link. This link has since expired - how do we acquire the new installer for the standard edition?
Edit: whoops, my bad. I was using the World Machine 1 download link, which I upgraded from. The proper WM2 link worked fine.
Im still stuck on version 2:( I tried installing the updated version…actually I just did a complete reinstall…the installtion at least worked fine…However I guess because I am using the 64bit version there wasnt an update for it…at least when I was looking at the extracting files I could not see the 64bit exe. So under vista(64) the current update patch ect doesnt work…I get many crashes for simply adding devices.
I’m using the 64bit edition and it works fine.
hmm u using it on vista or xp? If I even try to place an output node it will crash. Ill try again to reinsall it …but has to wait till i get to work tuesday…also what gfx hardware are u using…im using an nvidia 9800gtx
I’m using XP64 with an nvidia 7900GS. You are aware that the patch has to be installed on top of a previous installation?
yeah thats what I did…ill try again tomorrow
ok so I have re installed worldmachine…first the 2.1 then the update patch. If im starting a new project it seems to work fine…Ive tried building a few device chains that I normally use and they sem to run ok. However if I use one of my files from version 2.0 then I run into some problems. It seems some of the devices work fine until I get a little deeper into them…then the crashing begins. The crashing mainly happens after about 4 devices and simply by disconecting an input node will cause the following crash(sorry im not sure if its helpfull at all). This means building some complicated terrains all over again to test if its a problem with old files made with version 2.0…which I will do now and report back.
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: World Machine64.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 49dd54ff
Fault Module Name: StdDev64.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 49dd5377
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000000000002cddb
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 3079
Additional Information 1: bce9
Additional Information 2: 3086d276f1d4890f7c9516caf435b8a8
Additional Information 3: d05a
Additional Information 4: a0be08ea2fc233c3eab761858b4e6473
ok some more testing fro this…new files this time. Got a .ter file as an input heightmap…this goes straight into a layout generator used as a mask for some blur then into the sharpen pro macro. if I add another layout generator into the output pin of the file input I get a crash. If I remove the sharpen pro then i dont get the crash. I tried removing the sharpen pro on some of the other old files and it seemed to mostly fix the problem…all nodes seem to work up to a point…but still crashes on an output pin from errosion (flow map) into a combiner and also the output file device too…
no idea whats causing it
just tested the same things on xp 64 and I have the exact same problems:( I wonder if this could be related to my Processor, currently im using one of the fairly new chips…Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @2.67GHz? But seeing as version 2 works fine then its just a problem with the update patch. Anyway Ill be switching back to version 2.0 again so I can do some work for now.
No, it seems to be the sharpening macro. just adding the macro to an empty project and adding an output node afterwards crashes WM instantly (both 32 and 64bit).
I suggest using the new version of the macro available on my website: http://nkblog.nkdev.de/?page_id=446 which seems to work… at least it didn’t crash in the scenario described above.
well actually the last ones i tried didnt have the sharpen macro at all…but still had some crashing with input output pins…like the last one i described…but yeah ill definatley get the new sharpen macro too…one of my favorites:)
Ok, I looked it up in the bug tracker and it seems the bug is already known and Stephen is working on it.
ok cool! actually looking forward to be on the testing team soon:) Hey your in Germany as I can see…I wonder where…I have to come and visit a friend this weekend in Munich, would be cool to catch up with someone else passonate about terrains:)
Cool… but, I’m from Leipzig which is 350km north of Munich - I don’t think that’s worth it
ahh well! Anyway im living here for at least the next few years and have friends all over germany …so maybe some day