Build 4016 'Mt Rainier' maintenance release available

Build 4016 ‘Mt Rainier’

Build 4016 is a maintenance release fixing some stability issues uncovered during widespread use of Build 4015. Thank you for all of your submitted crash reports helping us uncover these issues, and please continue sending them to us!

UPDATE: 1/12 1:21 PST

A hotfix patch has been applied to build 4016 to fix an additional unicode path-support issue in the File Input device. If you downloaded prior to the above date and need unicode paths, re-download.


New Features

  • Re-added rotating through the shapes under-cursor in layout shapes on each click
  • Removed console window by default
  • Re-added ability to specify a file to open from the commandline
  • Added error handling for additional UI manipulator crashes
  • Added additional diagnostic logging
  • All path handling now supports unicode characters: image


  • Fixed path handling to support unicode characters in WM appdata path
  • Fixed several crashes that could occur while editing/transforming layout shapes
  • Fixed general crash that could occur if a visual editor was open
  • Fixed crash when deleting shape under edit
  • Fixed crash when deleting device under edit
  • Fixed crash that could occur when selecting preset
  • Fixed crash that could occur when parameters dialog is closed immediately after editing device origins
  • Fixed preview engine crash

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