carved out riverbeds and wrong added mountains


I need some advice/input on how to achieve a certain look; The first thing is that the terrain has to be a basic shape, so I used a Image editing program to make the basic layout::

The second thing is that the terrain is going to be used for a PC Game and so I need to keep most areas rather or not too billowy flat.

So now to the task at hand:: the idea is a desert setting; the black area was once a river that carved a path through the rock, prolly just like the grand canyon and is now dried out. What is the best way to do this?

The other part is that I add two small mountains in the top right and bottom left corner via WM; I think that my current approach is wrong. (right now I use a masked perlin noise generator and a combiner with add to get this result)

Right now I Use the Basic Edition of WM

Heh, the 2.0 beta makes this kind of work a lot easier - but nonetheless;

My suggestions would be handling each of the “height levels” as a seperate masked terrain, that is:

Make a highly smoothed perlin map for your lower ‘base of the river’ area
A less smoothed perlin map for your middle layer
and finally a rough and bubbly bit for the top of the canyon.

Use the ‘chooser’ and a ‘select height’ device to select off bits of your bitmap and then merge them into the combined whole; that is:

[Lower Map] ->Chooser A
[Middle Map] -> Chooser A
[Select Height, Middle range of bitmap] -> Chooser A

[Chooser A] -> Chooser B
[Upper Map] -> Chooser B
[Select Height, Upper range of bitmap] -> Chooser B

Finally you will want to make them less ‘jarring’ with each other, so run a couple of rounds of thermal erosion to blend the cliffs without seriously affecting the detail of the flat bits. You could also mask hydraulic erosion against the bottom area of the map in the riverbed.


oh-kay; I will try that out; Thanks for the reply

Oh-kay; I tried that out; yet I’m a little confused if I understood you correct. that is the graph I got after following your instructions. Is that correct so? (the thermal erosion is missing right now)

And if so; the only work that left is to adjust the perlin generators and their height, correct?

I was experimenting around and came up with this solution::

any input on that approach?

Close. The chooser is a different macro entirely. It’s the button to the left of the combiner button.

Use lots of thermal erosion to get rid of the “sharp cliffs”