Cleaning up the ocean?

Is there a way to clean up the tiny land particles that form through some processes in the ocean from within WM?
Such as a noise gate/area selector to remove everything smaller than a certain size?

You can for instance use a Clamp set to Expand mode, and increase the Min parameter.
Or you can create a mask from the terrain with a Select Height, by selecting only the higher parts of the terrain (and playing with Fuzziness), and multiply this mask with the terrain…

Thanks. I tried something similar (blank water terrain, height selector, chooser) but my coastlines looked very even and fake.

Man, what a cool program – I could have just used photoshop, but the interface is so fun, its more exciting to build it.

You could also try to blur your ocean and then combine it with the original terrain using Min and a value of 1 for the combination method.
Another idea would be to just erode your ocean - which wouldn’t destroy the coastline (or at least destroy it realistically :smiley: ).

Yeah, i’ve just gotten a clearer understanding of how the height selector works and mask inputs too. The blur tool is cool, been playing with it now that i have the registered version.