Coloured Folded Strata Macro

I have just finished knocking together a macro to make folded (bent) terraces and have strata follow them
Hope you like it!

Feel free to modify and improve but credit me with the original concept!

Thanks!..gonna check this out as I was thinking about how to do this recently.


Hi Tose, is there any chance you could upload an example tmd to show how it works?- not sure if I’m fully understanding how to use it.


Heres an example if the macro in practise, you have to do a lot of internal parameter changes to get an acceptable result.
Hope it helps!

Thanks Tose, I’ll take a look!


Thought I would attach an image of the example world you posted as I like this macro!

I took a look and I really like the macro, but it doesn’t do precisely what I was thinking of. I was think more of folded strata with abrupt changes in the vertical plane like this: I imagine it’s possible…


I’m glad this macro has been received so well! Any improvements are welcome!
I am currently looking at improving it myself but it may be a long road.


Hi Monks

I can’t open your link (404 error).




Hi Monks

Got your link! Interesting!

Maybe using the Strata Overlay output to feed an erosion mask into the Reference Terrain erosion would go part way to modelling the surface strata features.


Excellent Macro.

FYI this macro is causing repeatable crashing on the latest beta.


thanks for sharing this with us, I’m checking it now :wink:

Can’t download all links open a php file …

I’ve noticed this issue too, and it’s very irritating. Looking into it,

There’s a very odd bug whereby the latest Firefox version and SMF forums don’t handle attachments properly. If you don’t have another web browser available, they promise that this bug will be fixed in either the next mozilla or the next SMF whichever happens first… in the interim, you can right click, select Download As, and give it a name reflecting what type of file it is. Not ideal, but it works!

Also, you can choose “open with” World Machine and then save it, though it’s not something I would usually do.

I did this recently. It gives angled terracing. I used a terrace device and into that I put a gradient device. The gradient goes into both the main input and the terrace modulation. Setting the gradient up takes a bit of fiddling but the results are not bad. You can get some wacky effects if you twiddle with the gradient and number of terraces. You can place the gradient too via the World Placement in the device. You can control the exact placement of the strata by using a layout as a mask.
I may try and integrate that macro too at some point, very nice effects from it :slight_smile:
