I agree @JakBB 's tool is amazing! This option was discussed in the passed, iirc, but an issue with it is how you would implement such a feature in a procedural workflow. Because, if apply a brush to the base terrain of an Advanced Perlin
, what happens then if you change that Advanced Perlin
's state? Would you simply store the added brush values as a “differences” map? But then your result will drastically change upon changing the initial state. So, it brings a lot of unpredictable stuff with it. However, I would like to argue that having such a device that is then always the first node in the chain, would be really useful!
Lastly, this would mean Stephen would have to implement a whole brush system into WM, which is a lot of work I can imagine. I much more would like him to focus on other features instead, as I think the strenght of WM is the procedural workflow (which would allow us to make such brushes).