Coming soon: e2's Jus know it! (Elite version!)

Oke so this is the thread for the elite snow coverage device

I have some attachments that will make a statement on why this isnt just any macro to put in the library
Also some might get it and some wont

So these pictures compare basic with the unfinished elite version of Jusknowit

Call Guiness :shock:

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

The only thing is you will build 3 snow devices instead of 2 or 1
Wich will not be to long if you run a nice system :smiley:

I like you all to know that the building time just takes 2 snow devices more to build
And with multi treading on it should not be a problem :slight_smile:
The rest is build within a few seconds