Condensing multiple inputs into one for layout generator?

I’ve been trying to learn more about World Machine, and how to use Tiled output / layout generator to make large worlds, however, I’ve hit a small problem- I’ll try to explain:

I haven’t exactly figured out how to place certain elements in the layout view by themselves, since I’m filtering them into a layout that then is used to mask a “detail” map. I’m using this layout to define islands and other huge landmasses of the overall world, and bringing them together using a Combiner, but the problem with that, is that it only has 2 inputs. Here’s a quick example I whipped up using radial grads for islands:

As you can tell, there’s 2 different islands- but say I wanted to use more than just these 2- is it possible to somehow combine all of these, and feed them into the layout generator input?

Hi there,

Welcome! The answer to your question is actually pretty simple : just chain together multiple Combiners, where the output of the first is combined with another input, as many times as is needed. Then the output of the final Combiner goes to the Layout Generator.

I agree it might be useful to have a single multiple combiner device, but the above works just fine for most purposes.

Hi Remnant!

Perhaps something to consider for later releases- Multiple inputs on a combiner :slight_smile:

…though I could see how that would be headache inducing, because would it be just applying the operation each input? etc etc.

Thanks for the help! I guess I was on the right track.