Copy paste between separate instances of wm

I quite often run a couple instances of WM at the same time, often to just load up an old setup to grab some settings or export some nodes. Having both instances of wm sharing the same buffers for copy pasting would be a nice time saver.

I am thinking the same, Why can I not open more Project inside WM and have 2 open and edit at same time and copy past???

Yes that’s something I have always been missing too.
The import devices dialogue under the file menu works too, but is a bit indirect and less user-friendly since it involves separate file-saving, because most of the times you only want some nodes from a project and not all.

Yes… It would be very useful. I’ve just tried to copy a part of my project to a new project and I’m surprised that It’s impossible :slight_smile:

Updated: It’s possible only into one window of WM.

its hacky, but you could save your nodes as a macro then import the macro into your other instance of WM… i too would prefer to be able to copy and paste across

The popularity of this feature request is noted. I will see about getting this in sometime soonish :slight_smile:

Thanks for putting it on the list! :slight_smile: