Could not open colors.txt (original file)

I just purchased World Machine Pro 2 and installed it, but I’m having a problem with the colors.txt file that I never had with any of the beta versions!

When I click on the “Set terrain Color” button, an error message comes up saying “Could not open colors.txt file”…then the window with the color tables you can choose from popups and nothing appears in the selection boxes. Both colors.tga and colors.txt files are in the resources folder where they should be, and they’re both the stock files that came with the program. I don’t understand why this is happening…

Any help would be very appreciated!
Thx for your time,

Iirc there are some problems with Vista and files that are not in the Application-Data folder but I don’t know if it’s the cause of your problem. Judging from my last experience with Vista, running stuff as admin helps sometimes.

If you’re not running vista, I have no idea.

Yeah not running vista, still XP…hopefully someone will help me resolve this issue because I really need to be able to choose the terrain colors for my work, and this is definitively slowing me down! I wish the beta would still work because I never had any problems with it…

Here’s an idea: create a new file and copy the content of colors.txt into that file - delete the original file and rename the newly created file to colors.txt.
If that doesn’t work, I attached a healthy colors.txt and .tga.

Other, less likely to work, trouble shooting approaches:
I suppose already tried reinstalling?
Maybe it’s a problem with the installation process? Then, you could try copying the program’s folder - deinstalling WM, and then copy the folder back. Don’t know if this will work, but it’d be just like the “installation” of the beta worked. (Except the first installation process already did some kind of damage to the files.)
You could try and manipulate the colors.tga too.

Thx a lot for your help so far! Unfortunately, after trying all your suggestion, I still get the same error! I contacted the WM guys and hopefully they’ll be able to help me out soon :slight_smile:


This error is fixed in the upcoming patch – it was introduced with some of the Vista compatibility changes.