Creating Seamless Tiled Renders in sections to go into UE4

I ran a test where I rendered 1 tile off a large 32x32 world at 100% blending with shared edge vertices on. I put it in Unreal. Then I rendered a tile that was right next to it at the same settings. When I put them together in unreal, there was a slight, but visible seam all across where the 2 landscapes met.

I read that it might even help to turn off shared edge vertices… Also, are there any options to ensure that each seam will match up without having to resort to 100% blending?

When you are rendering out a subset of a complete tileset, make sure “Calculate edge tiles on partial tilesets” is set to on in your tiled project settings. Without this, neighboring tiles that would have been blended into your single tile output are not created, causing a different result.