Crop output for quick preview?

First off, WM is fantastic! I believe this is my first post here, so I wanted to say that at least!

Something that would be cool to have is a system for quickly selecting an area of interest and sending only that area to the build the world. It would help to work quicker, without having to go into the preferences, set your extensions, calculate and set them back again. Sometimes, I’m particularly interested in only 2% of the terrain and calculating the whole thing in high-res is a waste of time.
Or is a workflow like this available already?

Hi there,

Have you tried using the layout view to quickly create and set a second render extent for achieving a cropped view?

  1. Go to Layout View
  2. Click “Zoom to Extents” to bring into view the current render extents
  3. Click New Extents to create a new render extent that is a copy of the current one
  4. Click Set Current and drag on the view to set the extents to the new smaller area

You can then cycle between the two extents using the left-right arrow cycle buttons near the top left of the sidebar.


Thanks for the steps.
Still, what I had on mind is a way without having to go into settings at all, a straightforward 2 step process like ‘select area’ > ‘set resolution’ (1/4, 1/2, 1/1 of scene settings) > ‘build world’, all without setting up additional extents.

What you suggest sounds like any easy enough way to achieve it though, I think that’ll do.