Detail normal maps

Hi there,

I think it will be a cool thing, to have some ‘detail normal maps’ going on in WM…

See, we´ve got the ‘File Input’ generator, which can load some bitmaps for texturing.
But when tiling this bitmap across the terrain, the generated normal map is not affected.

What, if there woould be a way to provide a detail normal map + bitmap texture and the detail normal map
would be blended/added into the ‘overall normal map’, that WM can create?

Would be sweet possibility, IMHO


Hi there,

Yes, this is an interesting idea. In general, there are a whole set of ideas dealing with using localspace textures and normalmaps that haven’t been strongly pursued yet.

Sounds like a great Idea. Remnant, is this possible atm?

It is worth noting that if the goal is to capture the output in one megatexture-style output, that can already be done to an extent.

Specifically, it’s equivalent to blending a repeating detail heightfield into the scene with a combiner – if you want the extra detail to only show up in the normal map being output, do the combination right before (and only for) the normal map generator.