Dev Build 4019 'Mt Rainier' available

World Machine LTE

‘Mt Rainier’ Release

Dev Build 4019

Build 4019 contains significant new features as well as usability enhancements and bugfixes.
This release is currently Dev-channel only for widespread testing before migrating to Release.

Download at the Update Center


New General Features

  • Enhanced Interactive Preview - The interactive preview that you see while adjusting a slider is now much higher resolution; depending on the device, up to 2k in real-time is possible. Set your quality/performance preference in config options.

  • 3D View performance dramatically improved. Switching between devices and updating the viewport is especially faster for high resolution worlds (8k+).

  • Previews are now “stabilized”. The preview data is sourced from your current best-quality build, improving consistency between the preview and final builds. Especially helpful for things like erosion masks.

  • Paging and memory management improvements to reduce/eliminate memory and paging crashes and slowdowns. Includes a “WM Health” badge in the lower-right corner letting you know if any paging is happening.

  • Workview Changes

Workview Features

  • Improved wire routing when wiring ‘in reverse’, or with route points

  • Added ‘Align devices H/V’ and ‘Space devices H/V’ commands. “Align” means to snap all of the devices so that their first port is lined up on the same horizontal or vertical gridline. “Space” means that the items are moved so they are packed in a row either horizontally or vertically.

  • Can scroll workview horizontally by using alt-mousewheel, or L/R mousewheel if the wheel supports that

  • Changed workflow defaults. You can revert to the previous behavior in Preferences->UI Options.

    • Add device now cancels add mode after a single device is added, unless you hold down shift while clicking.

    • While adding devices, 'Quick-wire’ is now enabled by default. If you click on an existing device or port while adding a new device, WM will connect the new component as indicated and place it in the appropriate spot relative to that target.

    • The add-from-search tab key now automatically adds the selected device into the world. A marker is shown indicating the spot that a device will placed. The same rules regarding auto-connection apply as above.

    • When drawing a wire from an existing port to empty space and triggering quick-add, the new device will be placed more intelligently (the relevant port will be located at the place you stop dragging).

Minor Changes

  • Fixed ‘blank device’ accidental port selection by limiting to only outputs or connected ports

  • Re-added ‘Show Height under cursor’ toggle in layout view

  • Added ‘Select None’ command and shortcut (Ctrl-D) for layout / workview editing

  • Added “Show Final Results” toggle for 3D view to switch between res-limited and full-res result display. Helpful for improving performance while viewing very high res worlds.

  • Added statusline help feedback for device workview while wiring, selecting, and adding devices. Preview engine reports more information than before.

  • Macros now only keep their internal results available if the internals are being actively edited, reducing memory usage

Behavior Bugfixes

  • WM can now page out current build results again, not just historical results
  • Fixed issue where adjusting a slider not with the knob would not commit the change
  • Fixed issue where macro dependencies caused incorrect parameters to be fed to the internal components
  • Fixed bug where copy-pasting generators would set their origins as if they were being added directly
  • Fixed bug where ambient occlusion wouldn’t cancel
  • Gradient generator reports progress
  • Thermal erosion now more sensitive to cancelling
  • Fixed regression where saving a new project was overriding the startup project
  • Fixed bug where purging history, wasn’t always doing so.
  • Fixed bug where layout view wasn’t updating data resolution label
  • Fixed preview scheduling where under some circumstances of custom build res, the preview limit wouldn’t be reached
  • Fixed bug in coastal erosion device where the water depth was being offset with build resolution unintendedly
  • Fixed bug where view would be stuck if deleted the device the preview was frozen on
  • Macro tabs are now closed if the macro is deleted

Stability Bugfixes

  • Fixed crash involving undo/redo when selecting a deleted device
  • Fixed memory allocator deadlock
  • Fixed crash when checkpoint is queried for invalid port
  • Fixed crash from invalid route point
  • Fixed crash when UE4 resolution strategy of 8k is switched to from higher-than-8k res.
  • Fixed several internal invalid state crashes

Excellent update, love it!

Loving this update so far, but man is it hard getting out of the muscle memory of immediately right clicking after laying down a device ahaha!


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