Drop Curve to Surface

I am having trouble getting the ‘drop curve to surface’ option in the layout generator to work. Everytime I apply this to a curve it doesn’t drop to the surface but all the way down to the 0 level.

Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? I have a file height input going into a layout generator in which I am creating some splines that I want to drop down onto the surface. Nothing crazy going on here and the instructions seem very straight forward yet the result does not turn out as expected. Maybe I am not selecting the spline the right way or something?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

So I fired up the tutorial5 file which has roads in it and was successfully able to drop curves to the surface in that file. the only difference I can see with my file is that my file uses a file input as the terrain surface and tutorial 5 uses a combination of other generators. Any ideas?

Hello O1D4,
I was able to reproduce your result. There are a few things you can try that should help. First, there was a big difference between the output generated in the preview window and the result generated after building the terrain (are you building the terrains?). The preview always (in everything I did) appeared to have the road cutting through the terrain right to ground zero even when a build generated an acceptable result. Here are two things that worked for me (hopefully they will work for you as well). Playing with the ‘Edit Lofting Curve’ is going to help fix most of your problem. You access this in the Layout Generator by right clicking on the spline you want to follow the terrain (‘Edit Lofting Curve’ is the option right above ‘drop curve to surface’). Left clicking on this will bring up a cross section of the terrain that the ‘road’ you are trying to create traverses. Running along this is an adjustable spline that is the ‘road’ itself…adjusting the spline to move along the surface will create a road that does the same in a build…you can also raise and lower the spline to get the road to rise above the terrain or cut through it if you want (again a build created a result that was not quite indicated in the preview). I was able to achieve even better results than this by not having the ‘file input terrain’ as the first generator in the flow chart. Place the file input as the second with a ‘perlin advanced’ as the first (use a flat non descript ‘continent’ for this generator). It won’t have any effect on your input but I think it beefs up the terrain that World Machine ‘sees’…giving it something to work with when it tries to lay the road onto the terrain. Again this best result did not show up in the preview but did after a build. Hope this helps.

Thanks for your response and suggestions. Unfortunately the ‘Edit Lofting Curve’ method is no good to me as my spline has way to many points to manually adjust each one to the right height. I tried the other method you suggested and tried adding a perlin generator in front of the file input node but that didn’t seem to help unfortunately, maybe I didn’t set it up quite right though. And yes, I always build the world and do not rely on the preview!

I will try the perlin suggestion some more and see if I can get that to work but thanks anyway and let me know if you have any more suggestions. Since you were able to successfully recreate the issue is there a good way for me to log this as a bug? It would be nice if this could get fixed.

I’ve had a problem with this recently as well (though I have to add I’m using a beta, and it’s unrelated). But I always have problems with rivers; I forget every time how to get these to work. I use the same approach as you: file input terrain.
These are the instructions I have for rivers in a txt file. Note there are 2 approaches here, but looking at them I think the 2nd of the two is a more thorough explanation of the first:


  1. set default height of shape to 0m.

  2. set up the end vertices manually- or with drop to surface

  3. let WM interpolate the rest of the (unspecified) points automatically

4)for any adjustments use the lofting editor.

1)get begin and end heights from the terrain surface in Layout mode (set to Accurate display in LM).
2)draw spline
3)right click > edit properties
4)set falloff and profile, set default height to 0m. (I looked a an older tmd and I have rivers in them that work where the default height is NOT set to 0m. I’m going to have to revisit this whole thing in the next week or so, so I’ll perhaps be clearer as to whether this is necessary. I seem to remember Nikita suggested this step.)
5)set first and last vertices to begin and end heights.

This will give you a spline with a loft that has the end vertices sitting on the terrain, with all of the other vertices interpolated by WM automatically (it will be linear interpolation). For rivers, one has an extra constraint: they need to go always downhill, roads don’t. So you shouldn’t have to go into the lofting editor at all. With rivers you may need to.

Hopefully this will at least give you some insights.


Rivers are not so easy so its nice to have some advice on this too. I’m working on quite detailed worlds with a surface detail of less than 1m, Generally I use a few a few layouts, feed one into a perlin device then send this though some erosion…then subtract the layout with perlin from the eroded one…this way i get some nice edges. Sometimes i find the coastal erode tool to be nice, but i find the terrains have to be very large or the beach size is to big.

My rivers are all cosmetic really until the final bake. My rivers are determined by a base terrain which was built using contours. That’s as close to getting functioning rivers as I can get…other than the lofting editor which is tedious to say the least with such large data sets. I have a problem actually which I’ll mention here, but I’m going to post in another thread. I need to apply layouts that do not disturb existing river beds from a file input. There is no mask input on layout generators unfortunately.

I need: file input + (add in combiner) Layouts - river bed mask.

Does anyone have any ideas on this?
