Ever wondered how they make the nice pictures inside an encyclopdia
With worldmachine and…not with this macro cause im about to build it
But it will look actually like one of those pictures with every layout you push through this macro!
Cool stuff, thanks for keeping up good work e2clipse!
Thanks :lol:
Oke so this one will be done once the snow macros has been released
Oke if WM lets me i will trow this out tonight after im done written my lesson
OMG, this would be awesome
Yes yes its done
I am not very pleased about the controls,but then again i made this by accident
So i couldnt change to much,i hope everyone will figure out how to gwt the best look
And post some feedback + results!!! :o
Due to faulty input names a new download has been released
Its in one of the posts below…also in library!
Ok, i pluged in a heightfield to “default (heightfield)” port - does not build (stops at aboute 74%)
When pulgging into “new Port (heightfield)” - does not build (stops at aboute 74%)
Only “Default (mixed” port seems to give a result - but the resulkt dont have any colors, it´s just the “World color” of WM2?!
What am I doing wrong here? Or is this a bug?
Ow have i forgot to name the ports :o
1th is primary
2nd is flowmap
3th is deposition
Also they arent optional,so connect them all
I will fix that and re-upload Asap
Thanks for the feedback
Fixed the names of the inputs
They should be clear now
With that out out the way, I got this nice´n´quick result
Looks great! Its not a full ress built it? :?
This is a 2k res build… I plugged your macro after a custom one, that I am fiddling with - so 2k res takes 7mins, 4k will take about 1 hour, hehehe
Turn the expander down a bit maybe
hmmm, expander was at 0.7 already… basically I just tested with your settings… just removed snow a bit
The expander is a low frequencie filter so changes shoukd be very subtle
Specially on bitmaps
I am having some issues getting this macro to work. Coverage looks incorrect and the heightmap is flattened upon building, has anyone else encountered this?
Doesn’t work for me on WM 2.6 for me. Just turns the land white with specks of blue.