e2's ultra manipulator! Ready for use! Tutorial and dev files available!

Hello everyone
I made a manipulator macro for altering especially flow wear and depo maps
Or you can make layers with it for your diffuse by putting some together and finetune the settings
Wich are alot

Ive got two versions

One works on select color
And one works with clamping and expanding + select color params

So the changeble input is:

Base color
Accent color
Noise base color
Noise accent color
Blur amount
Blur type
Direction(if motion is the blur type)
Mapping range 1
Mapping range 2
Slope minimum
Slope maximum
Slope falloff
Slope falloff type
Invert slope selection
Activate additinal layer

And then again this list all with Add infront of it

Combiner method
Combiner strength
Mapping type (clamp type)

So does anyone wants to testdrive this and show what it do?
Cause i need to work on my WIP aswell
Its a nice macro…i promise…
Its the second version btw and its for WM 2.3
So dont try it on 2.2 it will crash i already tryed :stuck_out_tongue:

And if something is wrong with it i will fix it ASAP


Ps i know there is some spelling done wrong

THE OLD DOWNLOAD IS REMOVED! New download at the bottom!

I couldnt help but trying myself on one of the tutorial files
Ive used texturing by modified flowmaps

Connected the manipulator to flowmap output (leaving the rest untouched)
Put an inverter behind it
Then added select height and slope and combiner
I attached files so you can see what i got

Its simple result but note that i havent in any way altered
So there are loads more of options

I hope people will try it out and show me the results!!

Have fun!!

Ps: sorry for double posting

Its not working as well as i’d hoped…
But its still a proces of trial and error

The next version of this macro is already coming along
Since ive digged into new parameters i didnt use before
And this time it is working rather well
Im stil testing it myself
But once completed ill share it in the library :slight_smile:

Yes! I got it all working
But instead of let you pick colors i let you choose outta the good stuff
Im talking pre-amp eq…post eq’ing expand widen
I will put the .dev file on here tomorrow
Dont mis it!! And for now i have some pictures

One is the parameter input screen
One is how to emplement it into your works
And one is a spectaculair result wich i made with the vulcano heightmap im working in in the WIP section
No cheating…i did not use my own diffuse :stuck_out_tongue:

Check it out and please give me some feedback on this macro!!!

And the true result :shock:
I had many though
Thought it looked kinda like an encyclopedia picture

I know about the typo in parameter listings
I’ll fix it ASAP and then ill upload the dev

Looks good!
Maybe attach a .tmd demo-file, also?!


Its working nicely :slight_smile:
I really do hope you all have nice results
And the tut is good enough :slight_smile:

Please show me some results!!

I noticed i lost the presets bound to the tutorial
Anyo else got the same problem???

I tried, but can not get a result close to what is in that “Encyclopedia.png” screenshot, you attached…
I just get some colored flow/deposit map and very basic grass/rock texture - but not a texture like in the screenshot.

What am I missing? Or is the terrain on the Encyclopedia.png screenshot modified and textured in other ways, too?


Yes it is modified and textured in other ways to

It had a snowmask on it
I textured it with my own type of colorizers, wich arent in the tutorial
Because the tutorial is about the manipulator,not about basics of coloring

Also i used different types of selectors, wich was made clear its not the way i always arange stuff
Actually i do it different every time :stuck_out_tongue:

Also i used multiple instances of the manupulator and like 56 maps i extracted while making that vulcano
Wich i sayed in the WIP section…i did not use the standart diffuse i already made

Select convexity attached to a bottom input of a chooser might get you somewere
Then take the strenght parameter of that selector and put it true a scalar clamp then to a scalar generator
And turn the max from the scalar clamp to 0.25 so its not that strong on the selection

But if people want a tutorial on how to do this encyclopedia thing
I would like to make one,but then i would like more people to say so
And post results, i want feedback on these things
Else i will not know iff it al works for others as well as it did for me

Maybe there should be some tuts on colorization without overlays
Or how to use some together though

+1 count me in for feedback+results! would like to go thru this specific “encyclopedia” tutorial !!


Thanks for you work, please keep it up :slight_smile:

Alright then :slight_smile:
Im glad you like my work,make sure to check on the PQualizer and Carved (when its out)
They are both nice macros too

1+ noted

Yes, I will check as soon as I can free some time - which should be later this week!
(I am working on a texturing macro, also)

Best Regards!

Thats nice… :slight_smile:
I think i’ll try a snow macro next with lots of options
Testing that wouldnt be to hard this week
What do you use for texturing?
Will it be overlay or texturing by file input?

I went a bit deeper into File-Inputs with photo-textures right now. I really would like to carefully mix that with the methode you
used to create the encyclopedia-style and see what we will get :wink:


My colors are advanced perlin based
With a convexity selector,inverter and 2 color generators linkt to a combiner
Big scale and high persistance…convex pretty low

Then make an instance…change colors and put both combiner outputs in a chooser

For control i used a select height and slope combined to the chooser

They make really high res overlays

Im going to make a macro out it tonight and upload it to the library i guess
If WM lets me :shock:

Wooohooo ! Would be awesome :slight_smile:

Ok WM LET HIM DO THIS , hehehehe


So the project you were working on wasnt very clear to me
Im dutch so technical language isnt my strongest point