Faking a SplatMap for UE4?

Hi folks,

I want to bring in some old terrain I generated into UE4 using the splatmap method for proper blending. However I don’t have my old project file, just what was outputted at the time.

Is it possible to ‘fake’ a splatmap output by putting my various masks in the different channels of a TIFF?

Many thanks. :shock:

Hi there,

If I understand your question correctly (you want to create a splatmap, but don’t have the original project file just the final terrain output), its’ totally possible.

Create a new world consisting of a file input device loading your terrain file, and a bitmap output device to export the splatmap with.

If you’re using WM 2.9 or above, you can use the included Basic Splatmap macro which will get you immediately off and running; just hook up the terrain input and then hook the outputs (RGB and A) to the bitmap output device.

If not, you’ll have to create your own splatmap, which is still quite easy to do – use height, slope, etc selectors to create distribution masks, then run all of the masks through the Splat Converter device which will make sure they sum-to-one, etc. The resulting masks are then gathered into a RGB bitmap using the Channel Combiner (again in the Converter tab), and piped into the bitmap output as before.

Here’s a picture of how you might setup the device graph:

Thank you very much. :slight_smile: