File Input / Possible Autorefresh Bug

I think I might have found a bug in the Basic edition of WM2.0.

I have created a series of networks, each in its .tmd, the the output of each stage is read back into the input of next one. I have set the Auto-refresh from file at every build option but apparently this flag it not honored. As last information, each .tmd is opened in a different instance of WM2.0, instances which I cycle appropriately, pressing the Build toolbar button.


If anybody wonders why, I was experimenting in having a cascade of networks, each with different resolution, the first being 32x32 and then 64x64, 128x128 etc, up to 512x512 for the last pass. Both L3DT and GeoControl perfom a successive refinement build process at increasing resolutions and I was trying to emulate this behaviour.