Ok, here is what I did, copy-pasted a macro, removed wire lines, removed the little colored group boxes.
Tried to load…
Crashes 100% of the time.
Things that were odd and may possibly related:
Wire points were not connected to the wires when I copy-pasted a macro. This left me with floating wire points. This is fine until I re-did the wire, at which point I suspect they were REALLY orphaned. Saved fine but when I reloaded the file it will crash wm2 every time.
I’ve discovered the reason for the crash. Essentially there are some invalid values in the file you provided – I’ve implemented better error handling so as to be able to load the world, but I have not yet discovered why the invalid values were written in the first place.
I’m continuing to investigate. There’s a couple other small fixes that will merit a 2.21 release pretty soon to fix – which will be a much simpler update rather than a “reinstall from scratch” kind of update like 2.2 was.