Flipping bitmap?

Hello all,

I have used WM Pro for a while now but today stumbled on a simple issue: I want to rotate my output bitmaps 180 degrees to work with the game engine. However, it seems the flipper only takes heightfield data? Am I being ignorant here? :slight_smile:

I would very much appreciate hints/tips on how to rotate and/or flip bitmaps before export. It would save me the hassle of running them through photoshop or a converter afterwards.

Many thanks in advance!

Hi there,

I’m afraid the flipper is currently a heightfield device only. There’s no good reason for this though, and its a very simple upgrade – in face I just upgraded it for WM 2.3 to accept bitmap data as well!

Excellent - thank you very much!
An additional request which is probably easy to implement is to allow for 90 degree rotations. This would be very hand as there are instances where maps need to be rotated 90 degrees in either direction on export. Would that be possible?

Thanks in advance and thanks for a superb piece of software!

You could try splitting the bitmap into RGB with a channel splitter, flipping each resulting heightfield, then recombining.

2.3 Beta-3 will also have a simple Rotator device. This is an often-requested item as well, and only took a short time to implement – but has all the normal caveats about devices that operate in local space (flipper, etc).