Generate a splatmap in WM

These posts have been really helpful. Easily the best I’ve seen for creating splat maps in WM. Looking at the last example made it really easy to get my terrain to export to two splat maps.

Which tools do you think are best suited for creating climate variations over a very large map? (things like having a lower height snow level towards the northern end that is higher towards the south) My attempts to use layout generators to create climate zones just feels very blocky even if they are filtering other random generators. Would you think that is the best way to go and I just need to find the right set of values or is that the wrong strategy completely?

Hey guys! I apologize for my delay–I’m in between finishing work for a client and moving to a new apartment. Should be back in a couple of days. Also, I got my new microphone, so production of my video series will begin as soon as possible.

And I’m glad to see this thread has been helpful to you, Rollo! About your question, I’ll have to sit down and try some solutions, to look at it firsthand. I might try something over the next couple of days, and might have an example file here the same time I release the sandstone example.

  • Brian Lockett
    3D Freelancer

Hello Brian,

I hope you get your project done and moved to your new home without too much trouble - or did you get lost in a parallel universe somewhere in 2013 :wink:

Hope to see your solution for the canyon example, soon.


Sorry about the wait, Onkelpoe! Dealing with a crazy sudden load of work in 2014 so far–I might as well be lost in another universe!

I will be trying hard to finish the examples this week, the sooner the better.

Also, I’ve been carefully planning out my first video series. Production will start soon. :slight_smile:

Great to hear that Brian - I think we´re all looking forward to this :slight_smile:

Oh, I´ve got one question, regarding the “fall off” tuning:
Is there a rule of thumb, on what value to set here?
Or is this a “try-and-error” kind of thing?
