Generator "From file" misses scale data

WM bugs out when trying to load another *.raw image file than the one that is currently loaded by the generator.
It claims that there is “No scale data present in file!” although WM loads the same *.raw image just fine when I create a new world and load it in there via a newly created “from file” generator node.
Using the latest pro build (2.9.something).

Hi there,

Is there any problem with the file other than WM saying that there is no scale info present?

That message (which is not especially illuminating, I would agree) is something that WM should always say when loading a RAW file – WM is referring to if there is built-in scale information about the geographical elevations in the file. So formats like TER will mention they contain scale info, while PNGs, RAWs, etc do not – they are only greyscale image files.

Hey Remnant,

to me the file looks ok. I can open it inside Photoshop just fine by setting its channels to 1, Interleave off, color depth to 16bit and byte order to IBM PC.
It even got more interesting right now. Yesterday I created a graph from scratch and threw in the “from file” generator device. It could load the *.raw file just fine. So I copied the device into memory and switched over to the graph that already existed and which wouldn’t load the *.raw file anymore.
I pasted the device from memory into the graph and voila WM correctly recognized the data. This way I could reroute the wires inside that graph to the new “from file” generator and delete the old generator. WM was perfectly able to evaluate the graph and give me the desired outputs.
I saved the graph and exited WM.
Today I restarted WM and reopened that same graph file. All wires are displayed as dashed lines. The error originates in the pasted device - all I see when opening the “from file” device is a blank preview and that message. Trying to load another *.raw image yields no different results.

interesting. I haven’t heard from anyone else with this issue before. If you are willing, can you send the relevant world and raw files to so that I can investigate further?

Done. Thx for taking the time.

This morning I encountered this same problem …

I am utilizing relative paths:

And I am trying to load a *.raw file from:

IF ‘use absolute path for filename’ is checked in the File Input Node, the image loads fine (and displays the warning ‘No scale data present in file!’)
full path: C:\depot\project\worldmachine\basicworld\inputs\height.raw

IF I uncheck that box (for relative path), the image will not load:
relative path: Input\basicTemplate_4k.raw


  • If you start with it checked, then load the image, then uncheck it … the path doesn’t update. It seems this flag only modifies the next image load.