Getting stepped terrain outputs

I’m using real world DEM data from MicroDem (8 bit bmp) and then blurring, adding noise and erosion; and then trying to output the file as a series of .r16 tiles for an unreal tiled world

When I examine outputs at each stage of the process in the 3D view window, having rebuilt and viewed using full detail snapshot - they appear nicely smoothed and eroded.
However when check the height field output node (or normal map output) I get a very stepped output.
Altering the blur, noise and erosion values is altering the hieghtmap in the outputs of the devices, but doesn’t seem to be having any effect on the final output.

Having built I have green status on my final outputs, but blue status on the file input and all the devices up to the outputs.

When loading the outputs into unreal the stepping is present.

What is causing the stepping in the final output? What can I do to remove it?


Hi there,

Can you post a picture of the difference between the middle stages and the final stage viewports?